
Monday, December 16, 2013

Why I am rich (and no, its not what you think)

I should have posted this when I wrote it (over the Thanksgiving holiday), but I still think its as relevant as ever.

I try to be a pretty thankful person, but some days life gets the best of me. We all have those moments where we feel a little overwhelmed or annoyed with our circumstances. And sure, we are all allowed those moments because sometimes life DOES get you down. It gets everyone down at some point or another, and if anything those times should make you appreciate what you DO have WHEN you have it; be thankful. For the most part, I am so thankful that I grew up in a loving and supportive family, never went hungry (relatively speaking), was able to receive a quality education, was allowed and ENCOURAGED to think on my own, introduced to many walks of life, felt empowered to be a woman, was able to chase my passions and dreams, had warm and clean clothes for all seasons, had my own bed in a clean house and had access to health care of any kind. I could be interested in whatever I wanted and the only real struggle when I was younger was having enough time and energy for all that life offered. I always figured other families or kids had it better than I did, because from the outside it might have seemed that way. They had more money, didn't wear hand-me-downs, had nice and big houses and didn't have to eat a sack lunch every day. They went out to dinner and the movies and shopping while I stayed at home. Even growing up, it seems others have it so much better with their newer and nicer cars, endless outfits and numerous nice things. But while my life may have been (and continues to be) modest at best, I have learned to appreciate things in my life that no amount of money could have ever given me.

Having now traveled to some pretty poverty stricken areas, I am thankful that I can simply drink from my tap when I am thirsty. If I am cold, I can turn my heat on. I am lucky enough to live without any major setbacks in regards to my health. I can easily get around with my car (when it works). I have access to any kind of education I could ever want - its just up to me to make it all happen. I have healthcare, can speak my opinion about anything freely and am happy to say I am allowed to compete against guys on a regular basis AND beat them; my gender has never held me back. I live in a country that, for the most part, I am ok with living in. I can read and write and talk with friends whenever I want via twitter, facebook, text, phone, email and pigeon. I have access to parks and nature and other community supported areas. I can, for the most part, live and travel freely and without worry. I can be outside without fear for my life. I have more than enough access to food, even when I lived on a really limited budget. Anything I want to chase and make happen for myself or my family, I can. While I do work, I also have free time to spend with family and friends.

Yes, I always wish things were better. I wish I had a new car, more shoes and an endless supply of jackets. I wish I had unlimited air miles to fly everywhere and even more vacation time. I wish I could buy my boyfriend that bike he's been eyeing to add to his bike collection (8 bikes right now). I think we all do that; we all want more and think about the future. We all look at taking that next step, big or small. Even this hunger is a gift; we have the ability to think beyond today, to dream and want more and also have the ability to make it happen. We always have the ability to make our lives better and to work at achieving our dreams.

And so here it goes, what I am thankful for (warning: lots of 'thankful and 'grateful' in the next paragraph):

So this Thanksgiving, I will be thankful for all the places I have been and for all the world has taught me so far. I will reflect on how lucky I am for my life and my circumstances, no matter how difficult it may be at times. I will be grateful for all the people that have walked in and out of my life and how they have motivated, intrigued, inspired or pushed me. I will be thankful for the people who have taken the time to truly know me, to truly understand me (as best they can, anyways). I will be grateful for all the changes that life brings. I will be thankful for the sincerity and authenticity of the human race in trying times. I am thankful for sun, outdoors, sweat and smiles. I will be grateful for all the things that keep my life from being lame and boring. I am grateful for the ability to do 'big' things in my life, even though most are only things I'm aware of. I am thankful for those moments that I feel so inspired and so happy. I am thankful that I have people in my life to love me, to support me, hold me, cry with me, laugh with me, fight with me and inspire me to do things I would have never thought possible. I am thankful for dreams to keep me moving forward. I am thankful for the trying times of life, because while these aren't enjoyable times they are inevitable times that we will all face. These are the times that strengthen me, shape me and bring me closer to those things and people that I love and cherish.

Lastly, I am thankful for me. For all the years and times of me. I am grateful that no one can ever tell me how much of 'it' I have. All the moments are mine, all the laughs and tears and smiles are mine and no one else can dictate that. All of my choices have led me to this point, this amount of undeniable happiness that I am grateful for. I am thankful for all that the life I have lived has gifted to me.

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