
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Never let fear decide your fate

I watched a video today that inspired me. You know, those YouTube videos or Oprah stories that, even though they are sad, they still make you wanna get up and do something. And I got to thinking, why do people steer away from the unfamiliar? From the dreams they had when they were kids? From trying to do something extraordinary? People don't do stuff because they are afraid. Mostly afraid to fail. Disappoint. But isn't it pitiful that fear holds us back from working towards our dreams and making them a reality? What's the worst case scenario, you don't achieve your ultimate goal? I don't consider trying a failure, because its not. It took a lot to get up and start from zero, and a legitimate effort deserves respect. And just because it might not work out the first time doesn't mean you're done. Remember that art degree you thought about and even took a few classes for? Go back. Take more classes. Hell, open up a station at your local Sunday market and sell some stuff. Don't be afraid. Ambition transfers out to other things in your life, too. Rarely does an athlete working towards a world record also eat a dozen donuts each morning for breakfast. And while everyone dreams of standing on top of the podium or being featured on the cover of a magazine, the peak moment of success or achievement isn't what people remember. Its the journey along the way, the things that you learn, and the person that you become. The early morning practices, the protein shakes instead of cocktails, the student-budget top ramen dinners, late nights in the library writer paper, and all the frustratingly wonderful memories along the way. Any more people are too afraid to step outside of the box and do what they truly want to do, when life really should be about that. Don't hold back or not do something just because it seems silly or ridiculous.

While the life you live might not always be wonderful and easy, it should definitely be worth living and always remembering.

1 comment:

  1. I like this. Most of my co-workers couldn't believe it when I finished my BS and moved on. They thought I was full of BS just like them when I kept saying I was working on it all those years. Now they're still sitting around wondering what could have been and I'm a step closer to retiring early and moving to India...
